The ideology of multiculturalism has recently faded away somewhat. It is now being replaced by the ideology of diversity, often meaning not primarily diversity of cultures but diversity of ethnicities or races and of different minority groups, like sexual minorities. Just as multiculturalism is supposed to celebrate a multitude of cultures, diversity is supposed to celebrate a multitude of ethnicities and minority identities in society.
There is a kind of relativism in all this – in the case of multiculturalism cultural relativism. It is assumed that there are no objective standards to judge cultures, and thus no judgements should be made at all. No culture is better than any other one.
Regarding the diversity ideology, no ethnicity or race is supposed to be more talented or in any way ‘better’ than any other. In fact, any differences that might exist are supposed to be only ‘skin deep’, superficial. Similarly, no moral differences between different sexual orientations exist (there are now even attempts to normalize pedophilia). Fat people are supposed to be equally healthy and attractive as anybody else with a more normal weight. Biologically male ‘trans women’ demand equal treatment sexually by lesbians (no matter that they might have penises). And so on.
Thus, equal evaluation and treatment is demanded for cultures, ethnicities and all kinds of minorities – or so it seems.
In reality, these demands for equality are lopsided: multiculturalism tends indeed to celebrate a multitude of cultures without judging them – but there is one exception: the culture of the West, which is ignored, or even denigrated. For example, at the end of the 1980’s, under pressure by radical students and leftist faculty, Stanford University in California abolished the course “Western Civilization”, previously a course requirement for undergraduate students.
Criticizing the cultural practices of Islam results, more often than not, in accusations of ‘islamophobia’. In Finland, long unused blasphemy laws were applied to convict a previous leader of the party Perussuomalaiset because he called the Prophet of Islam a pedophile. On the other hand, criticizing or denigrating Christianity is not only allowed but often appreciated (see the art work Piss Christ which contains a crucifix submerged in urine).
The diversity ideology, while it celebrates a multitude of non-European ethnicities, often treats white European majorities as second-class citizens. Ethnic minorities often have a protected status which European majorities don’t enjoy. For example, denigrating Turkish or Middle-Eastern minorities is a hate crime in Germany. It can result in fines of thousands of euros or even in jail terms. In contrast, one can apparently insult European indigenous people to one’s heart’s content. As an example, a German court ruled that ethnic Germans can be called a Köterrasse (“a race of mongrel dogs”) with impunity.
In the US, racism directed against blacks is now seen as almost the worst sin a person can commit. Accusation to that effect can easily lead to losing one’s job and social status. In contrast, denigrating and dehumanizing whites is continuously practiced at all levels of society. When complaints are voiced against such racist behavior, they are silenced by more accusations of racism and of “white supremacy”, and also by using a re-defined version of the term “racism”, according to which racism only exists against powerless members of society – and thus it can not exist against whites who are supposed to have the power in society.
While everyone is supposed to subscribe to the slogan “Black Lives Matter”, expressing the same opinion about “white lives” is seen as little better than racism and of an expression of “white supremacist” sentiment. In the UK, a man used an airplane to fly a flag with “White Lives Matter” on it. Not only he, but also his girlfriend lost their jobs as a result. In contrast, a professor at Cambridge University who tweeted “White lives don’t matter” not only experienced no negative consequences, but was promoted to full professorship soon thereafter.
This lopsidedness seems to demonstrate that the motive underlying the ideology of multiculturalism and diversity is not the equal treatment for cultures, ethnicities and minorities. Instead, these ideologies seem to exist as a cover for undermining European ethnicities and societies and their Western culture.
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